Friday 27 September 2013

You can tell a lot about a person

As part of my media studies homework I was set to take a photograph that showed my identity. For this I decided to take a photograph of my desk in my bedroom.  Looking back at the photograph I realised how much you could tell about me. Therefore I thought I would tell you a bit about me.

Notice board: As I have said in a previous post here I like collecting postcards. When I changed my room in the summer I took all my postcards off my bedroom walls. I still wanted to put some of them back on display in my room. So I decided to make this notice board. I think the notice board could tell people I like postcards and travelling. It has not come out clear in the photograph, but on the notice board there are postcards from London, Paris and New York.

Photo Frame: The photo frame can show my love of photography. I always have a camera with me and take photographs of the world around me. I like to capture happy moments and the beautiful places I have been to. Also I love he photo frame itself. It's a blue camera and you put your photograph in the lens. How cool is that? The photograph in the frame is of me and my mum in case you were wondering.

Book: The book on my desk is 'One Day' by David Nicholls and is my favourite book. I really liked the storyline and was a book I could not put down. I would happily read this book over and over again.

iPod: I spend too much time on my iPod. I use my iPod to listen to music, go on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, YouTube, iPlayer, checking the weather, making notes, the list goes on.

Sketchbook: I enjoy painting and drawing so I decided to take A-Level art. This means I have to carry this A3 size sketchbook back and fourth to school with me. So my love of at does form a part of my identity.

Pen/pencil pot: There is not much meaning behind this. People looking at this can link it to the fact I like art which is true. I have the pen/pencil pot on my desk to store my pens and pencils that all. Sorry not a very interesting one to end on.

Saturday 21 September 2013

Keep your friends close

Well it's now September. The time of year I usually associate with going back to school. I don't mind going back to school as it means I get to meet up with all my friends and have a laugh.

But this September it is a bit different. I have left High School and started sixth form. This means that I am not at the same school as all of my friends anymore. All of us are busy with school work and settling back into the routine of school. It's odd not being with everyone. This has made me realise how important my friends are.

I know that throughout our life we will lose and gain friends on the way but I would like to think that I will stay in touch with my best friends for the next couple of years.

It is important to keep your friends close and not take them for granted. It does not take much to text, email, phone or write to them every now and then. It's good to let your friends know that you care and have not forgot them.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Never leave work to the last minute

This is something I would always advise people to do, but rarely remember to do myself. If there was a piece of homework I did not like or want to do, I usually forgot about it until the night before it was due. Therefore I would spend some evenings in a panic because I had forgot to do that three page essay.

Although when I was in my last year of High School I got into the habit of doing my homework the day it was given. But since being away for summer I think it will be difficult to get back into the routine of doing work. Already I am stressing a bit.

So the day before I start school what am I doing? Trying to finish all the school work that needs to be handed in tomorrow. Why do I do this to myself?