Sunday 28 September 2014

Remember to laugh

This is a time I can say I genuinely feel happy and want to remember. I am lucky to be have amazing friends, who I can talk about random stuff with and help make A-Level work bearable. I can't believe the amount I laugh during the day. We all laugh about stories and private jokes, and get far too competitive in our daily UNO card games. The other tables must think we're all strange. But I have become increasingly conscious of my laugh. Well I say laugh, a cackle is probably a better description. I'm told I have a loud laugh for someone who's so quiet. Even though I feel tired when I get home I usually spend time telling my family some of the funny stories ,and gloss over the stress of unfinished work.

I just wanted to take a moment to remind you to laugh, smile and be happy. Take time out from stressing and worrying. I know that there will be days that you feel this isn't possible. However its important to surround yourself with good people and remind yourself to be grateful for sharing time and memories with them.

I have to say I'm worried about the day I leave sixth form. Where do I go next? Who will I stay in touch with? These are questions I don't want to think about yet. I just want to enjoy a time where I can honestly say I feel happy. 

I hope you are happy, or if not I hope you find happiness soon. Have a good week x

Saturday 27 September 2014

Tumblr Favourites - September 2014

Here are some of my favourite posts from my Tumblr this month. You can look at my favourites from last month here.

This month I have focused on text posts. There are always those posts that say exactly how you feel and are ideal for those moments when you want to imply what you feel without having to say it. These have been included alongside various F.R.I.E.N.D.S gifs to celebrate the twenty year anniversary since the first episode was broadcast.
Although my Tumblr is filled with the usual fandom posts, I looked more at my interest in art and reflecting on my current mood.



Friday 26 September 2014

Friday Favourites - Productive Days

We all have those rare days when we wake up early and fell productive. We convince ourselves that today is the day for completing work. Instead of going back to bed or spending hours on the internet, we actually make progress with work.

In a strange way I like these days as much as I like lazy days. The days when you lounge around at home, do nothing and don't regret spending the day that way. I like productive days because I feel I have achieved something and have less things to worry about. Sixth form work involves more private study which is based around self motivation, which can be a challenge. That's why it's important for me to take advantage of those days I'm ready to work. And how do I usually reward myself after such a productive day? By having a lazy day in bed.