Saturday 31 October 2015

The unfinished projects

It seems to be a habit of mine that I don't always develop my ideas. I have thoughts for stories, paintings and blog posts that I let pass by without much thought. Just a fleeting thought caught up in a strand on other ideas. This needs to stop as who knows where it will take me.

This is why I have began to get into the habit of noting down my ideas. Even if I look back and alter the initial idea slightly, at least I haven't forgot it. It still exists and could lead to something big such as a sense of achievement.

Thursday 29 October 2015

Bursts of creativity

We all have those moments where inspiration takes us. We have an idea for a book, video, present, day trip, anything really. We feel motivated to take note of that idea and see it through. These moments can come from anywhere at anytime and have the potential to turn into something great.

The important thing is to make the most of that motivation as it will inevitably run out, leaving you to wait for the next burst of creativity to strike.