This year I seem to have taken a break for blogging. With all the pressures of exams and revision I felt that my brain couldn't process a straight trail of thought to create an insightful and interesting post. Since having time to think I have realised that I would like to just post my thoughts and capture how I feel at certain moments of time. Over the year I have been documenting my thoughts within a small journal that I hide and do not share with anyone. It's my private place where I place my ideas on to paper and keep them safe.
Now I feel it is about time to share some of them with you. I'll let you into my world on the good and bad days in the hope that they will help you and make us all realise that we have days like these. Days where we are so happy that we could scream from the roof tops, followed by days where you feel crushed by the weight of fear of the unknown.
I hope you'll stand by me as I attempt to recapture my blogging mindset.
You'll upset the neighbours if you scream too much..